Urban Beijing, Rural Shenyang.

How can i begin to describe my distaste for the sur-urban/rural/practically bush life?! It maddens me to know that even a province 4-hour train ride away from Beijing can house people as backwards as in the 1960's when China's doors were still locked up?! I couldn't have chosen a much local city as my dwelling place for the next 4 years of my Chinese life!
My teachers still insist on scolding me when i come 5 minutes late to class (sometimes more than 5 minutes), they probe into my private life (i.e my boyfriends, social life outside of school etc), dictate when we get to have internet (only on weekdays-weekends is for studying) and favor most of the Western European countries, the South (or is it North) Koreans and the Russians over the 'less-fortunate' countries i.e 'Africa' as an effing whole, East European countries like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Serbia, Georgia etc...they even granted the Indians and the Japs a pass so they wouldn't come off as too prejudiced or biased. And they showed it too, if they didn't like you for the color of your skin or the clothes you wore, their disdain was obvious and it's sometimes really hard to get a word in, in class, cos they'd rather pick on the Indians and the Koreans than me!!
Back in Beijing it wasn't like this, sure there were some teachers who were biased towards the lighter complexioned folks, but at least they didn't dare show it (completely). Though if, lets say in a class where there were half Westerners, half Africans or dark skinned people a lot of favoritism was shown towards the Westerners, like they'd be called up on the board to write characters more often, they were allowed to speak more in class during class discussions and during the breaks the teachers would engage in discussions with them more than they did with my type of people.
But still there are a lot of perks to living in Beijing. no 1. Stares from the Chinese are limited to 1 in 7 people (mostly locals from rural areas who've just moved to Beijing to start a life for themselves in the 'BIG APPLE' as one of my Chinese friend referred to Beijing as), while in Shenyang stares are as frequent as drinking water or alcohol (i only made that comparison to alcohol because there is no way you can come to China and not drink alcohol like water, it's cheap and it's strong!)
no 2. The weather is walkable in Beijing: You can walk on the streets of Sanlitun or Wudaokou for about 10 mintues in a -2 degree weather without feeling the need to button up or zip up your jacket, back in Shenyang, lets just say people start preparing for a long winter as early as early October. I mean, i was already wearing my neck scarves and gloves by then, and by the end of October, the ear muffins, inner wear and double clothing came on!
no 3. Privacy! Privacy! Privacy! is one of the few luxuries you get while staying in Beijing. You could have a roommate and still get privacy, and that's because most people mind their own Goddamn business! But in Shenyang... no!! Your business is everybody's  business! I'm not even gonna waste anybody's time in going into that. let's just leave it as that.
no 4. Shopping! If you're African or you have encountered Africans, you'll notice one thing in the women, we've been blessed or cursed -depending on each individuals point of view- with very big back-sides. And also big feet, I myself am a size 41 so, yeah, woe is me! It's really difficult to get dresses and shoes that fit us back home, not to talk of China where every female is a disgusting size zero and the largest shoe size is a size 37. But bless the hearts of the Beijingers, most shops cater to foreigners with big feet, big behind and large breast cups. In Shenyang, well, lets just say, they try as much as possible to have only their own kind in mind. And who can blame them? If I owed a shoe shop in Shenyang, i'd only cater to the majority of the clients, whichever had small and dainty feet.
no 5. Hair!! Everyday in Shenyang is What can i do with my hair?! The water is horrible! good hair products catering to Africans is limited! Finding someone who is willing to sit down and make twists, braids, weave-ons or even simple corn rolls is tough! But the good thing is there are a lot of African females who are willing to do your hair, but its mostly for a very high price and at their convenience also. In Beijing there is the Simba Salon, but only embassy officials wives and kids go there. There are also girls who are willing to do hair, but the biggest difference is that in Beijing there are 5 or 6 places where I normally go to purchase extension for braids and weave-ons. While in Shenyang there are none!
There is so much negativity i can express towards the people in Shenyang but I have vented my anger out by touching on the most delicate subjects, stay tuned for more... it only gets harsher:(
