I Made 1.84 Dollars on Adsense

Hey guys!

Wow! I actually forgot I had this blog till I stumbled on google adsense and when I registered I saw balance of 1.84 USD and im like, ah ha why's google dashing me money?!

So I took some time out and started researching on Google and guess what? ! Its true! You actually do get paid for blogging! Who knew!

I checked my stats and I've had juat over 3000 pageviews that was from 2010 to early 2011.

I wish I'd known about monetization and all that stuff maybe I'd have taken it seriously.

But it's not too late.

I taken matters into my hands and to the next level. I bought a domain name and started a website.

I became a mom in April and since then my life has a whole new meaning.
My new website is about being a mom and empowering mothers especially Nigerian mothers with information and also celebrity gossip.

I want to hopefully take it to the next level by maybe doing outreach programs in villages and talking about health, how to be self made and not rely on government contracts or husbands to provide.

So yea that's what mumsiehub.com is about.

But I guess I can't leave this one since it's already ganered some serious money. Lol.

So I'll just keep using this to journal my everyday life.
Watch this space
