This post was first published on Mama Bear Naija
I promise you it works!
So, I recently put to birth my third child and giiirrrrl ... Let. Me. Tell. You. Something!
My pregnancy journey was no joke. But the birthing phase has always being the easiest part of all three of my pregnancy journies.
Now with my last two pregnancies, my babies were delivered at 37 and 38 weeks respectively.
However with this my third pregnancy, o boy, by the time I got to the 39th week I was over it Over it! Not only had I never carried a baby for this long, also, my baby was growing and I didn't want any tearing during childbirth. So, I used those long days to research how to ensure I don't tear during childbirth.
Now you see my last 2 childbirth, I tore. Though I cannot say the seriousness of the tear because I wasn't told by the doctors and I did not bother asking. Which any woman who has had to give birth will totally understand.
Nonetheless, this time around I was adamant not to tear at all. So I got to digging and this is what I discovered.
How I Discovered this Holy Grail that Prevented Tearing During My Child Birth Experience
I googled "natural ways to stop from tearing during childbirth" and after a day and half worth of research I came across an article that claimed Red Rasberry Tea had special properties that helped pregnant women with not just strengthening of the uterus but also prevented tearing during childbirth.
I was intrigued.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Drink
Just What is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea?
Red raspberry leaf tea, commonly referred to as a female herb, comes from the leaves of the red raspberry plant.
This amazing herbal tea has been used for hundreds of years to support respiratory, digestive and uterine health, particularly during pregnancy and childbearing years.
Health Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea aka RRLT
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea has numerous amazing health benefits to the body. It is packed with vitamins and minerals that aids in strengthening the uterus.
Some of the vitamins that can be found in RRLT are vitamins C, E, and A, a variety of B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus.
In addition, Red Raspberry Leaf Tea also contains essential trace minerals such as zinc, iron, chromium and manganese.
These vitamins and minerals are in a readily absorbable form, making RRLT an effective method to supplement a balanced diet during preconception, pregnancy and beyond.
The nutritional boost that RRL tea gives you can help improve your immune system as well.
Here are some of the advantages of taking this female herbal drink:
- RRLT contains alkaline fragrine that aids in strengthening the uterus and the pelvis.
- It eases menstrual discomfort
- Aids in Improving reproductive health
- Balances hormones to increase fertility
- May improve chances of implantation
- It may prevent miscarriage by strengthening and toning the uterine wall
Proof that it has worked In Other Pregnant Women
There hasn't been alot of study done on the efficacy of RRL tea however the studies that have been conducted, inluding this study shows that women with low risk pregnancies who drank this tea had no need for forcep delivery.
In a nut shell, RRL tea aids in not just strengthening the uterus and pelvix floor muscles, it also helps the vagina to stretch easily during childbirth to ease your baby's head and her body easily.
When to Start Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy?
From my research, many women has said their either read somewhere that it was best to start taking it at the start of the third trimester, anytime from your 36th week.
This is because Red Raspberry Leaf tea is a uterine tonic and stimulates the pelvic floor muscles. This may increase uterine contractions and potentially threaten early labor, although there are no studies to corroborate this.
Other women claims to have been told directly from the horses mouth, their health practitioners, midwives to be more specific, to start taking it from their second trimester.
As usual I recommend you don't just rely on this article alone but also do your own research to find out whats the best time for you.
There is no simple answer to this question. Always talk to your healthcare provider about starting red raspberry leaf tea.
Just What Does This Tea Taste Like?
I'm not going to lie, it tastes absolutely nothing like red raspberries.
However does the taste matter in this situation?
We are talking groundbreaking techniques to prevent tearing during labor and you're asking me about the taste? Lol. Just kidding.
Okay, okay since you really want to know, the closest thing I can say it tastes like is a cross between bitter leaf and reguraly Lipton black tea.
If you're not a tea person you honestly might not enjoy the taste of it but I would suggest you at least try it first before thinking of writing it off.
How many Cups Should you Consume A Day?
Research has shown that midwives recommend women start with 1 cup a day and within 4 weeks gradually up the amount to 3 to 4 cups a day.
Heard anything about the benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea? Share it with us in the comments below.
Source: Mama
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